Soulless one
Soulless one

The Great Divine Director’s thesis stands as the original revelation of man’s earliest contact with a hostile alien force-a fantastic account documented even further in recent years by scientific evidence. But that was before science corroborated this astonishing thesis, before such science fiction spectaculars like Star Wars or 2001 helped us to come to grips with a history so ancient, so frightening that it was sealed in the subconscious memory for centuries, and before that ground-breaking book by Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet, brought forth evidence-archaeological, astronomical and historical-for the colonization of Earth by advanced beings from another planet. Sound incredible? Maybe it was in 1965 when The Soulless One was dictated to Mark L.

soulless one

He now dwells in a world of higher consciousness beyond time and space, yet he is intimately acquainted with the domination of God’s people by the fallen ones. He is an ascended master-the Master R who worked behind the scenes with le Comte de Saint-Germain in eighteenth and nineteenth-century Europe. Those who recognize his inner attainment call him the Great Divine Director. The author is a Hungarian adept, the original founder of the House of Rakoczy. Today’s discoveries of man’s hidden potential barely scratch the surface of a vast spiritual science that is explained in this work. The Soulless One is also about you and how you can unlock the creative spark within yourself. Ye shall know them by their fruits-their political philosophies, their mechanized righteousness in church and state, their materialism, and their single driving purpose throughout history: total domination of the body, mind, and soul of the children of God. This work tells you who the fallen ones are, where they came from, and how they operate. Thus mankind is easily manipulated by the fallen ones in their modern guise as leaders in the fields of government, economics, religion, science, the media, and entertainment.

soulless one

The most sinister legacy of this extraterrestrial race is the subconscious programming of the psyche by a monstrous mechanization concept that destroys life’s naturally creative potential. The information contained in these tablets provides conclusive evidence of the age-old existence of these progenitors of today’s lifewave of mechanized man.

soulless one

Recently discovered tablets from ancient Sumeria and Babylonia show that these highly advanced space colonists used genetic engineering to create humanlike life on earth. The Soulless One reveals the presence of the fallen ones-technologically superior but spiritually bankrupt beings who migrated to planet Earth thousands of years ago and subjugated a humanity entranced by their scientific wizardry. This is because humanity is ignorant of one important fact: There are two kinds of people in this world-those created by God and those not created by God but by the fallen ones. Obstacles to human happiness and global peace seem insurmountable. TODAY, MANY PEOPLE feel helpless and confused, unable to solve their problems.

Soulless one